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What the Content Journey Team is Grateful for this Thanksgiving

We have a lot to be grateful for at Content Journey. We have an amazing team of talent and clients we adore and truly enjoy working with. We also wholeheartedly embrace the idea of getting work done so we can enjoy the lives we love outside of work. 

The Content Journey team is thankful for our jobs, families, friends, health, and all of those things that bless us daily. We’re also grateful for some not-so-traditional things that we wanted to share below. We hope it’s as fun for you to read as it was for us to chat about.

Grateful and Then Some

The Content Journey team had no problem saying what we’re grateful for that might be a little beyond the typical. Let’s face it. Our team enjoys the little (or not so little) things in life. 

If you know our content director, Kenna Griffin, you know it’s her pool. She spends every summer afternoon in the pool. You can guarantee that she’s working hard in the morning, so she can spend her afternoons in her happy place. 

I love spending time whipping up special treats for my loved ones. I’m a total foodie, so it’s not surprising that the kitchen is one of my happy places. For our Thanksgiving dinner this year, we are having a “dip party.” I am going to make a whipped goat cheese dip and a pecan pie dip! 

Did I mention that Kenna and I both love Dry Bar? We’d go get a blowout every day if we could. Yep. I introduced Kenna to this fine experience and created a bougie monster.

Stressed and Blessed

Do you have any idea what it’s like to have two children in sports? We are a busy, running family, and I’m trying to enjoy every minute of it. Yes, even on the nights when we need to be two (or more) places at once.

Speaking of sports, Kenna’s daughter is in her last season as a college basketball player, so they’ve been traveling all over the U.S. watching her play. She’s coveting having a job that allows her to see as many games as possible in this final season. I know I’ll blink and be there with my kiddos.

Sadie Michalk, project manager at My Marketing Assistant, our sister company, said she gets stressed because she’s so picky about design. Sadie also does most of the design for Content Journey clients, and we’re glad to have her meticulous eye.

“I’m a perfectionist when it comes to design,” Sadie said. “It drives me nuts if something is the slightest bit off. It’s definitely a double-edged sword, though.”

Daily Pleasures

Our team talks a lot about coffee. None of us function well without it, for sure. I’m blessed that my partner, Cory, makes coffee for me every single day. It’s just a thing that happens in our house. I’m sure I take it for granted that a hot cup appears in front of me each morning. Thank you, Cory Miller!

For Kenna, she loves to drink her coffee while reading a great book. But, let’s be honest, she’s happy doing anything that includes a book.

Since Sadie loves anything pumpkin, you know she’s loving her coffee during this season.

For Ava Beery, our marketing intern, it’s not coffee that gets her going in the morning. Her playlist is a daily game-changer.

“Listening to my favorite music during my morning commute brightens my mood every day,” she said.

Work Love

I already mentioned that we love our work at Content Journey. I’m not just saying that because I’m the boss. I intentionally created a company where people care about each other, work with intention, and want to be here every day. But why we love our job looks a little different for each person on the team.

For me, there are so many things about my work with Content Journey that I enjoy. Our team is No. 1. Not just our full-time people either, but our writing team as well. We are surrounded by incredibly talented people, and I am grateful every day I get to work with this amazing group. Second are our clients. We don’t keep it quiet that we don’t just work with anyone. We work with people we enjoy who do great work in the world. I look forward to calls with them and getting to know them and their businesses better.

I am proud that we have created a process that allows for freedom. I don’t want our team to feel like they are beholden to a green dot on Slack. Instead, we work with teammates we can trust to set us all up for success. I’m super proud of the rigorous process every piece of content goes through. I love telling the story of how we create content, which includes lots of research, a brief, writing, editing, quality control, and feedback. And if you know Kenna, you know that she’s meticulous. We’re not afraid to halt the process and re-evaluate content at any time if it’s not right for our client. I’m proud of how much every person on our team is dedicated to quality. 

Our quality control process is one aspect of marketing that Sadie is glad we embrace.

“It’s so important that we double, triple, or quadruple-check everything before it goes out the door,” she said.

It’s no surprise what Kenna said is her favorite part of her job.

“I love coaching writers and watching them create amazing content for our clients, as well as the level of quality and care we provide our clients. You can’t convince me that we don’t have the best writing team anywhere.”

Celebrate Today

We love working with you as much as you enjoy working with us. And we’re grateful to help you along your content journey at any point in the process. You can always contact us for help.

We hope you’re enjoying your day with family and friends as much as we are. Have a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving. We’re so grateful for you, and we can’t wait to see you back here next week.

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