Case Study Writing

Share Your Success

Share your customer wins

show potential customers proof of success

establish your expertise and build credibility

How Can You Display Your Wins?

It can be difficult to promote your business’s successes. You’re proud of your work for customers and want to share their successes with anyone who will listen, but you don’t want to sound like you’re bragging about how great your company is. 

If only there were a way to… 

  • Share your customers’ wins and the creative problem-solving it took to accomplish them
  • Promote your company’s expertise without being overly promotional
  • Show potential customers what you can do for them by sharing past successes
  • Establish your expertise in your industry
  • Build credibility with people looking for the services you provide
  • Help potential customers feel confident about choosing your company and paying for your services

Believe it or not, there is a solution. And it’s much less blatant and embarrassing than your parents still displaying your little league trophies. 

Case Studies Are the Solution

A case study allows you to show off how you accomplished a client’s goals by telling a fact-based story of how the process worked. You can post a case study on your website as a post, page, or downloadable document. 

You display your expertise and build credibility by telling how you worked through an issue. At the same time, you use quotes from the client whose story you’re telling to subtly boast about how creative, innovative, and helpful you were in eliminating their problem. 

Case studies create social proof for readers, showing them how you’re helping others and minimizing the risk of trying your products or services themselves. They see how well it worked for other people, and they want it too!

Let Content Journey Brag on You

Content Journey’s writing team has decades of experience writing and editing all types of content, including case studies. We know exactly how to tell a success story, highlighting the best parts, so you and your customers shine. Not only that, we’ll ensure your case study is well written, meticulously edited, and packaged for publication. We’ll do the content work so you can focus on running your business.

Lead magnets — case studies included — are part of every Content Journey package plan because they’re essential to growing your business. We also offer stand-alone case study writing if that best fits your needs.

Case Study

Highlight your success

  • Interview with you and your client or clients
  • Writing
  • Custom design
  • Made for your Brand
  • Written in your Voice



Ready to Stand Out?

Are you ready for you and your customers to stand out through case studies? Is it time to use social proof to grow your business? If so, reach out to us today, and let’s get started.