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Why Realtors Need Content Marketing

Imagine that you’re in the market for a realtor for the first time. You have no idea how to choose one or where to start. So you google it and find a realtor’s website full of success stories. Even better, this realtor’s name shows up time and again, giving you seemingly every detail about the town where you want to live — from where to shop to the best dentist to use. Standing out as an expert in their area is why realtors need content marketing. 

What is Content Marketing?

Before we get too far into the nitty-gritty, let’s explain the basics. Content marketing is creating relevant and engaging content that helps businesses engage with and educate their audience. It includes blog posts, lead magnets, videos, podcasts, and social media. 

Almost half of buyers view three to five pieces of content before engaging with a sales representative. When someone is looking for a realtor, they go online. If you give them multiple pieces of content (aside from listings) to show your expertise, they’re more likely to choose you. Your content highlights you as an authority figure in the real estate industry and in the community where they want to live.

“Before there was a Content Journey I worked on a realtor’s website in a vacation town. The content we created for them is still working to bring new visitors to their website, and is why I know we can do great work for others in the real estate industry.”

Lindsey Miller, Content Journey’s lead guide
What is inbound marketing

Why Realtors Need Content Marketing

The real estate industry is a whole different ball game when it comes to content. The goal is to get your audience interested, then lead them through each step of the buyer’s journey. The truth is, your competitors are using content marketing to complete more sales, so you should too. There are also a host of other reasons realtors need content marketing.

Builds Client Relationships and Trust

People want a realtor who is reliable, trustworthy, and understanding of their needs. It’s easier to build relationships with potential clients when your content engages them and answers their questions. Your impression on clients can be lasting when you continuously provide helpful content.

Generates Organic Leads

Google recognizes relevant content and promotes it. You want strong search engine optimization for your content, so it shows up for people looking for a house in your area. Your content will provide your audience with all the information they need to know about who you are. They will learn about your approach to selling and gain insight into the current market. All of this creates quality leads and high ROI.

Creates Authority

You can display your knowledge and expertise with valuable content. Imagine that someone is planning a trip to visit your community. They think it’s where they might want to live. They google, looking for the best diners in your town, and your blog is the first one that pops up. Now they have a realtor and lunch plans! 

This information will make you an authority figure, especially in the local community you serve. You won’t just be a housing specialist, but a community specialist. People will know they can rely on your services and trust your expert opinions. And, they can share your content with friends and family as a one-stop shop for realty questions. Your business will stay top-of-mind for recommendations too.

Brings Brand Awareness

There are a lot of realtors out there! Your content can reflect your business’s unique attributes that set you apart from everyone else. You can provide a unique perspective that no one else in your industry or area can. Unique perspectives and approaches become standout symbols of your brand. When you hone in on what your audience wants and needs, you’ll start molding your brand just for them.

Cost Effective

Sure, you’ll still need to post the houses you’re listing. But content marketing will attract a lot of attention to you, not just whichever houses happen to be on sale. While content marketing isn’t free, it boasts the highest returns of any form of marketing. You’ll pay upfront, then reap the search result benefits for years to come.

As a Realtor, You Need Content Marketing

You know you need content marketing for your real estate business. If you’re not sure where to start, that’s okay. Contact Content Journey to learn more about how we can help your business grow.

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