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Website Marketing: Tips for Getting Your Site Noticed

Your site is live. Your products or services are listed. All your contact information is right there, but your ideal customers are MIA. Sounds like you might need some website marketing to get your site in front of the right people.

A good marketing strategy can help your business get noticed online and build your credibility in search. That’s why knowing how to market your site is crucial to your business’s success.

What is Website Marketing?

As a business owner, you probably know you need to market your products or services. But have you ever considered marketing your website? Website marketing is strategically promoting your site to bring in the right traffic. The goal is to attract people already interested in what you offer. The more people you have coming to your site, the more opportunities you have to build trust with them and convert them into customers.

Website marketing strategies use SEO, or search engine optimization, to get the right kind of website traffic. Optimizing the content on your website enables your blog posts or site pages to rank highly in search engine results pages, or SERPs. It’s exactly how to get your blog noticed

The higher you rank in SERPs, the more traffic you’ll bring to your site. And because the people who come to your site are already searching for something to solve their problem, they’re more likely to become your customer when they see that you have what they need.

Ranking higher in SERPs can expand your share of the market. For most industries, the pages that rank in the top position get most of the website traffic. So, by sharing strategic content about your products and services, you can show up higher in search results and bring more customers to your website. That’s using normal customer behavior and search engines to market your business.

How do we know this works? Well, it’s what we do at Content Journey, and we know firsthand why it’s so important for your business.

Why is Website Marketing Important?

So, maybe you spent some cash on Facebook ads or hired a PR firm in the past to promote your business. You probably saw great results, but your traffic tanked as soon as the campaign ended, and you stopped paying. With a site marketing strategy, you don’t have to worry about that because SEO is evergreen. It keeps working long after you post the content and does so much more.

Website marketing:

  • Drives Relevant Traffic to Your Site. Marketing brings the people who are already looking for what you do to your site. Then, with your content, you explain how your products or services can help them.
  • Increases Brand Awareness. The more you share about your business in search-engine-optimized content, the more people will find your website and learn about your business.
  • Raises Visibility. SEO helps your site show up in search results, and showing up higher in searches can help customers find you.
  • Improves Search Rankings. Google doesn’t just give any old website the first search result spot. SEO can bring your site from Page 50 of results to the top spot on Page 1.

Of course, you’ll need to think about setting goals for digital marketing before you implement a website marketing strategy. Then, measure your results to see how much your site benefits.

A marketing plan created

Tips for Getting Your Site Noticed

Website marketing is the key to increasing your visibility and brand awareness online. But where do you start? These tips will help get your site noticed for years to come.

Make an SEO Strategy

SEO is how you show Google the content on your website is valuable so it shares it with internet searchers. And an SEO strategy is how you consistently show Google that value. 

SEO involves keyword research, a process where you find what terms your potential customers are searching for and how much competition there is for those keywords. Once you’ve found the keywords you’d like to target, it’s all about writing with keywords to get noticed

The more keywords you target in your site’s content, the more likely your website is to appear at the top of the search. 

A good SEO strategy can help you consistently rank at the top of SERPs, which means you’ll have a steady traffic flow to your website.

Backlinks are links from other sites to your own. But not all backlinks are created equal. Backlinks from reputable sites can help your website, while backlinks from sketchy sites can harm it.

Think of it like this: If you wrote your phone number in a bathroom stall at a bar on the side of a highway, you probably wouldn’t be getting phone calls from the most upstanding suitors. Google thinks of sketchy backlinks a lot like numbers on bathroom stalls. 

Write strong content that people need, and you’ll earn worthwhile backlinks. Link to reputable sites, and they may return the favor. Then Google will see your business’s connection to theirs and reward you for it.

Create Unique Content

The internet is vast, and there are tons of sites, many of which are for businesses like yours. So the thing that sets you apart from your competitors in a Google search is your content.

Creating search-engine-optimized content is a great way to stand out. But when that content contains valuable information in your unique brand voice? That’s the one-two punch that leads to a knockout. 

Unique content can help you stand out from your competitors and can help you build a relationship with potential customers long before they sign up for your email list or purchase a product.

Create Easily Shareable Content

Everyone and their brother is on social media, so why not let them help with your marketing? If you create helpful, unique content that your ideal customer needs, you’re well on your way to finding customers. But if you can create content that’s shareable on social platforms, then others can share your message for you. 

The more helpful your content is, the more likely people are to see it as a resource and share it. Provide step-by-step information if you can, and keep the tone friendly. Doing all that in your unique brand voice will make you seem more like a friend than a business, and people will want to share your content.

Use Visual Content

Infographics and videos can convey the information you want and are super easy to share. Visual content can express ideas in a quick, easy-to-understand way. 

Think about the average internet searcher. They may not want to read a whole post to get information. So, give them the option to view your content in the way they prefer.

Infographics are great for sharing data or lists of points. Videos are excellent for sharing step-by-step processes or showing how something works. 

A strong image is always a must, even if your content doesn’t lend itself to graphics or videos.

Promote Content on Social Media

Once you create your content, it’s time to share. 

Creating social media profiles for your business can seem daunting, especially if you don’t feel like you can master the newest TikTok dance craze. But fear not! When you choose social profiles, pick the platforms where your customers already gather. 

Once you’ve created your profiles, share your content and engage with your followers. This approach gives potential customers a taste of what it’s like interacting with you, and you build a relationship with those customers.

Let Content Journey Help with Your Website Marketing

Your website should be your best salesperson. The first step to getting there is a content marketing strategy. Book a call with Content Journey today, and let’s chat about how we can help with keyword research, blog post or page writing, or even revamping your old content. Let’s partner to grow your business.

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