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8 Ways to Improve Conversion Rates

If you have been searching for ways to boost your website’s traffic and improve conversion rates, you’ve come to the right place. 

Content Journey helps our clients improve their conversion rates, resulting in millions of dollars in profits each year. 

In this post, the Content Journey team compiled eight actionable tips to increase your business’s online visibility, generate quality leads, and improve conversion rates. 

What is a Conversion?

A conversion is when a person who visits your website does what you encourage them to do. It could be signing up for your newsletter, downloading content, signing up for a trial, completing an online form, buying a product, contacting an admissions or online salesperson, or scheduling an appointment.

The conversion rate is the number of visitors to your site divided by the number of conversions. How often do the people who visit your website take the action you want them to? It’s expressed in a percentage. A good conversion rate is between 2-5%.

Most businesses want to improve their conversion rate because they want it to be as high as possible, providing a strong return on investment from their website.

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8 Ways to Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate

So, how do you make your conversion rate better? Whether your business falls within that 2-5% or not, you want your rate to be as high as possible. So, you’ll probably consistently work to improve it. Here are some ways you can drive it up.

1. Leverage Strong Website Design and User Experience Elements

Getting clients to arrive at your website is a great first step, but if you want them to stick around long enough to see your message and learn about your brand, you must provide them with a seamless, enjoyable experience. 

Make sure your website is optimized for mobile operating systems and responsive across a wide range of devices. If your site isn’t compatible or is noticeably laggy, many users will move elsewhere before they ever read your blog or explore your products or services. 

Also, ensure your website is user-friendly by implementing an intuitive layout and clear navigation system. You need to make it easy for site visitors to find their way around so they can soak in all the great content you’ve created for them. 

From there, seal the deal with a great call-to-action (CTA) that tells readers what to do next. It should be relevant to the content at hand, concise, and direct. To ensure your CTA will resonate with your audience, conduct A/B testing and incorporate the top-performing option into your content. 

2. Use Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is fine-tuning your website to improve conversion rates. As mentioned above, you can optimize your site to drive conversions in various ways, including A/B testing.

Also known as split testing, A/B testing displays two or more assets (web pages, menus, logos) to different audience segments simultaneously. After a predetermined period, review the results of each to determine which content variation performed better. You can repeat the process indefinitely until you have optimized every element of your website. 

Beyond A/B testing, ensure you’re also engaging in personalization and targeting. Deliver customized experiences to your users based on their browsing history, demographic data, and other variables, and consider using exit-intent popups to reduce bounce rates, retain visitors, and boost conversions by encouraging visitors to linger on your page a bit longer. 

3. Build Trust and Credibility

One of the best ways to improve conversion rates involves building trust and credibility with your target audience. While creating high-quality blog content can certainly help establish your brand as an authority in its field and strengthen its credibility, you should use various tactics to enhance those values as well.

For instance, consider publishing reviews and testimonials on your website to showcase how you have effectively helped other clients. If you don’t have many reviews or testimonials yet, be proactive and encourage your current clients to leave you feedback that you can use to improve your business

Another great way to build trust is to obtain and display security or trust badges. Obtaining these types of certifications informs your audience that you care about their privacy and are going above and beyond to protect it and their data. 

4. Create a Marketing Funnel

A marketing funnel is a visualization of the customer journey. Like an actual funnel, marketing funnels are widest at the top and get narrower as prospects move toward the end of their journey. Only those that make it to the bottom of a marketing funnel convert.

With that said, creating a marketing funnel will help you not only better understand the various paths prospective leads take on their road to becoming a client but also identify where you may lose them along the way. Once you know your shortcomings, you can refine your strategy to improve conversion rates and remove friction from the client journey. 

Building a marketing funnel is also a great way to improve the returns on investment of your marketing efforts. When you pinpoint what works and what doesn’t, you can redistribute your marketing resources in ways that better align with your organization’s goals. 

5. Develop Diversified Content

As you seek to improve conversion rates, you might feel compelled to pump out a lot of fresh new marketing content, but whether you should is debatable.

You certainly need quality marketing materials like paid ads, service pages, and landing pages, but you should prioritize creating diverse and valuable content that is client-focused. In other words, instead of devoting all of your efforts to creating “sales-y” content, develop engaging and educational resources that educate readers on your business, its products or services, and other relevant topics. 

If you want to maximize the impact of your educational content, go beyond blogs. Develop complementary resources such as videos, downloadable tools, and infographics. The more diverse your content, the better your chances of connecting with prospective clients. 

6. Keep Online Forms Short

Allowing customers to complete online forms for more information is a great, low-pressure conversion step, but online if you keep the forms simple.

Don’t get overzealous when collecting information. Asking for too much all at once can add friction to the client journey and prompt many leads to abandon the process altogether.

Instead, focus on gathering essential information, such as the client’s name, phone number, and email address. Don’t forget to gather information about what products or services they want to know more about.

7. Provide Staff Bios to Establish Expertise

Incorporating staff descriptions into your website serves several purposes. First, they can help put clients at ease by allowing them to see and relate to your team. Additionally, staff bios can make your center appear more credible and trustworthy from the get-go.

Consider crafting a short bio for each member of your core team. Include a photograph with each and information such as:

  • Their job title and duties
  • How long they have been with your business
  • Their career experience
  • A brief list of their hobbies
  • Traits that make them unique and well-suited for their role

The idea behind the bios is to help customers feel more comfortable with who they may do business with.

8. Use Chatbots to Engage Visitors

Chatbots can be a great addition to any website, as they can help site visitors with important information and answers to their immediate questions. 

Improving response times through the use of chatbots can reduce site bounce rates and help you satisfy visitors’ desire for instant responses. If you want to improve conversion rates and better serve your client, adding a chatbot to your site is vital.   

Improve Conversion Rates with Content Journey

Improving your conversion rate requires a concerted effort and an optimized strategy. While you may be able to move the needle on your own, it can be difficult to improve conversion rates enough to fuel the growth of your brand. The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. Choose to partner with Content Journey and let our team of experts help you improve conversion rates. To learn more about our suite of holistic brand-building services, book a call today, and let’s chat about your growth goals.

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