a headshot of Emilee Little

Meet Emilee Little

Some people watch the dancers from the balcony, thinking about the way they move together and all of the possibilities they create. Others are on the floor, enacting the moves and making the dance happen. Author and Researcher Brene´ Brown’s balcony and dance floor metaphor for business helps me think about and communicate my strengths. I’m a balcony-level thinker. I excel at high-level thinking and planning. The dance floor-level moves aren’t where I’m best. Day-to-day operational policies, procedures, and details aren’t my forte´. I need a dancer for that. Which is what brought Emilee Little to our team as our chief director of operations.

Emilee leads Content Journey’s operations, coming to us with a diverse background in operations and organizational development. She loves propelling ideas into motion and creating systems to ensure quality at every level. She helps make sure our foundation is strong — that the dance continues — while I dream about and plan what’s next. 

And this latest addition to our team makes us complete, at least for now.

It’s incredibly unique in a company as young as ours to have a team come together so naturally. To not only find our content director early in our process, but to also find the organizational brain that is so desperately needed in my world. That’s what Emilee brought to our team.

“Maybe I am a dreamer” as the song goes. Or an enneagram 7 as our team says, but I spend time thinking about all of our possibilities, and there are so many! I needed someone to be my other half. But I also was realistic enough to know it would come much further down the road. Sometimes things happen sooner than you expect. But when you know, you know. 

Just like I couldn’t not have Kenna on the team, I knew I needed Emilee. On any given day we have hundreds of tasks that we are trying to complete for clients. Add my “ideas” to that mix, and it can be overwhelming, Emilee is the voice of calm and reason that I needed.

Emilee is a self-described introvert who deeply loves people. She says the mountains are her heart home. She is mom to one amazing lady and partner to a great guy. She loves her cats, dog, and neighbors in the heart of Oklahoma City.

And she completes us. 

Emilee, Kenna, and Taylor are going to take Content Journey and our clients into spaces I can’t imagine right now from the balcony. Whatever successes we have coming our way will be because of these women. And I am so excited that you now get to meet the full leadership team.

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